Multigenerational Vacation Ideas That Please Everyone
Caregiver in San Jose CA: This year, you’re thinking of a holiday vacation. It’s been a long year of helping your parents with daily activities. The thought of cleaning a home and cooking meals for dozens of guests is unappealing.
4 Ways to Help Acclimate New Caregivers
Elderly Care in San Mateo CA: Whether your senior parent or loved one is new to the idea of having professionally trained and hired caregivers coming into their home
Five of the Best Ways to Help Your Mom With Personal Care
Homecare in San Jose CA: One of the areas that are hardest for a family caregiver is personal care. It’s often uncomfortable helping your parents with hygiene and grooming. Here are five tips that help make personal care tasks a little easier to manage.
Tackling the Stress That Occurs When You’re Caring for Parents and Children at the Same Time
Homecare in Los Gatos CA: Per Pew Research, almost 5 out of 10 adults are providing support to a child and parent at the same time. For those in this position, 31 percent report feeling the strain.
Four Practical Steps if Your Senior Keeps Turning Down Help
Elderly Care in San Jose CA: Your senior can’t rely only on you, no matter how much she might want to.
Types of Exercises That Might Be Right for Your Elderly Loved One
Home Health Care in Oakland CA: Are you trying to make sure your elderly loved one stays as healthy as they can? If so, you and their senior care providers can help them to do the proper exercises for their weight, height, and age.
Diabetes: How to Prevent or Fight Off the Flu?
Elderly Care in San Francisco CA: The flu can be dangerous for anyone, especially those who have diabetes. This is why there is so much research on how diabetics can prevent or fight off the flu.
Ways to Find and Create Balance in Your Life
Elder Care in San Jose CA: As a family caregiver to an aging senior receiving elderly care at home, it’s easy to get so involved in the life of your parent or loved one that you lose yourself in the process.
Have You Considered These Benefits of Home Care?
Elder Care in Daly City CA: How much thought have you given home care? People may have incorrect assumptions about what home care can and cannot do.
Four Tips for 24-hour Caregiving
Caregiver in San Jose CA: Caregiving can very quickly become a situation that demands your time and attention all day and all night.