Heart Attack: How Can You Help Your Elderly Loved One After They Had a Heart Attack?
Heart Attack: If your elderly loved one has a heart attack, you may be scared. This is understandable. Here are some tips you can do to help.
Technology: 3 Ways Seniors Can Use Technology to Connect With Loved Ones
Technology: Home Care in San Francisco CA: There are many people who aren’t up-to-date with modern technology.
Music and Art Therapy: How Can They Help the Elderly?
Music and Art Therapy: Elderly Care in San Mateo CA: It seems that everyone has gone through a difficult time in their life.
Fall Prevention: Four Ways Home Health Care Services Can Help with Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention: Senior Care in Daly City CA: Home health care services can be tremendously helpful if your elderly family member is at risk of falling.
HomeCare Professionals Announces New Location
Now open our new office in Citrus Heights serving the greater Sacramento Area. At HomeCare Professionals we put the needs of our clients and their families first. Call or visit us online to learn more about in-home care services. 7610 Auburn Blvd, Suite 1, Citrus Heights CA 95610 1.855.986.6647
How Can You Recognize Mild Pneumonia Before it Becomes More Severe?
Elder Care in San Mateo CA: If your elderly family member is already prone to pneumonia, it’s important to learn how to recognize pneumonia as quickly as possible.
Eight Superfoods to Keep Your Parent in Good Health
Home Care Services in San Jose CA: One of the easiest ways to bolster your parent’s health is by providing her the foods she needs that will give her body some of its needed nutrients in order to thrive and live well.
Home Care: The One Critical Decision Every Family Caregiver Should Make
Home Care: Caregiver in Daly City CA: As a family caregiver, you probably have dealt with stress lately.
Social Seniors: Projects for National Handmade Day
Social Seniors: Homecare in Oakland CA: April 3 is National Handmade Day.
Senior Health: Five Techniques Home Health Care Providers Use to Help with Pain Management
Senior Health: Home health care providers can likely be more helpful when it comes to managing pain than you or your senior might expect.