What Can You Do if Your Senior Is Lonely?
Elderly Care in Sunny Vale CA: Loneliness isn’t always easy to talk about, but it’s important to address the issue.
Four Big Red Flags to Watch for Yourself
Homecare in Oakland CA: When you know what big red flags mean you’re not taking the best care of yourself possible you can work to fix what’s going wrong.
Benefits of Massage in the Elderly
Home Health Care in San Francisco CA: If you have ever experienced the relaxing sensations of a massage, you will probably understand the idea that seniors in elderly care both deserve and can appreciate the same kind of self-care that we do for ourselves.
Tips for Managing Angina
Caregiver in San Jose CA: Angina is the medical term used for pain in the chest. It is an indicator that the older adult has developing heart disease or coronary artery disease.
Four Challenges to Aging in Place and How to Overcome Them
Home Health Care in Oakland CA: Staying in the home you know is important as you age. You don’t want to have to adjust to new neighbors, sounds, and traffic patterns.
Is it Getting Tougher for You to Be a Caregiver?
Home Care in San Francisco CA: It isn’t unusual at all for caregivers to find that their situations have changed, making caregiving impossible.
Seniors and Traveling: How Not to Worry?
Home Health Care in Oakland CA: Traveling with seniors can be fun. They may be retired or just trying to enjoy their golden years. Either way, exploring the world or even more of their home state can make them very happy.
Myths About the Flu and Flu Vaccine
Home Health Care in San Francisco CA: Flu season is about to begin, so it’s time for your aging relative to get their annual flu shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months get a flu shot unless their doctor has advised otherwise.
4 Ways to Get Seniors to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Caregiver in Oakland CA: Most people know that eating more fruits and vegetables is important for good health. Yet, lots of people fail to include these healthy foods in their regular diet, or they don’t eat enough.
Five Ways to Respect the Privacy and Dignity of Elderly Parents Who Needs Assistance with ADLs
Caregiver in Sunny Vale CA: When a parent requires care, it is often the adult child who provides the care that is necessary. Usually, providing care involves the activities of daily living (ADLs).