Senior Care News

Value of Sharing Memories with Your Parent During Family Stories Month

Elderly Care in Los Gatos CA: For many families, November is the start of the holiday season. This makes it especially appropriate that this is also Family Stories Month.
Elderly Care in Los Gatos CA: Family Stories Month
Elderly Care in Los Gatos CA: Family Stories Month

For many families, November is the start of the holiday season. This makes it especially appropriate that this is also Family Stories Month.

This is an incredible opportunity for your family to spend quality time together and enjoy sharing stories about the family now and in the past. Encouraging your senior to share memories, and sharing your own memories with them, can be extremely beneficial for everyone involved. As a family caregiver, this type of sharing can mean helping you to pursue care goals for your parent, and as an adult child, it is a way to reach out and maintain a close bond.


Some of the ways that sharing memories with your parent during Family Stories Month include:

-Teaching your children and grandchildren about the family. Through these family Stories, the youngest generations will learn about the people who came before them, family traditions, culture, and other sources of pride and identity. This is extremely important for helping them create their sense of self and to find anchoring within the family and their community.


-Teaching your children and grandchildren about your senior. Many young children don’t have the opportunity to really know their grandparents as individual people. Sharing these stories is a great way for them to get more insight into your parent as an individual. This can give their relationship with their grandparent greater depth, and more appreciation for them. It is also a great way to learn life lessons through their grandparent’s mistakes, their perseverance, their accomplishments, and more.


-Helping your parent feel relevant. Many seniors feel as though they are no longer an important part of their family or the world around them. By sharing these stories, you can remind them how much of an impact they have made and continue to make to those around them.


-Stimulating their mind. Seniors who regularly share memories and talk about the past are more likely to maintain more of their memory and have stronger cognitive functioning than those who do not. Talking about these family stories stimulates your parent’s mind, jogs their memory, and helps them to keep their brain sharper and more responsive.


Senior care is not just valuable when you are unable to be with your parent. Including a senior home care services provider in your preparations for holiday celebrations, gatherings, and outings can be an exceptional way to enjoy this time with your parent even more.

When you are spending time with your parent, it is easy to become distracted by their needs and your desire to ensure they are safe and healthy. This can keep you from fully enjoying the experience yourself, and distract you from other obligations such as caring for your children. When a senior care provider is available, they can give your parent dedicated care to fulfill their needs, help them participate as much as possible, and give you the freedom to simply enjoy yourself and your loved one.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elderly Care in Los Gatos, CA, contact the friendly staff at Home Care Professionals today.
Call (866)-940-4855

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