Senior Care News

Does Your Elderly Loved One Have a Fatty Liver Condition? Here is What You Should Know

Home Care Services in Pleasant Hill CA: Have you ever heard of fatty liver disease? If so, you know that it can be a very serious condition. With that being said, there are some things that your elderly loved one could do to try reversing the condition.
Home Care Services in Pleasant Hill CA: Fatty Liver Condition
Home Care Services in Pleasant Hill CA: Fatty Liver Condition

Have you ever heard of fatty liver disease? If so, you know that it can be a very serious condition. With that being said, there are some things that your elderly loved one could do to try reversing the condition. Learning more about the condition can help your elderly loved one to do this.


Defining Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver is when there is a fat buildup in the liver. There is some fat in everyone’s liver. However, if someone has a lot more than normal, this could lead to serious health problems. The liver is the 2nd biggest organ in the body and it is very important for survival. The liver is responsible for processing everything that someone eats or drinks. It also takes harmful substances out of the blood.

If your elderly loved one has a fatty liver, this can cause their liver to not function properly. However, in some instances, there are ways that your elderly loved one could reverse this condition.


Cleaning Up a Fatty Liver

Most of the time, someone will have a fatty liver condition because they drank a lot of alcohol. However, obesity and diabetes are some other causes of a fatty liver. It is possible for your elderly loved one to make lifestyle changes to help reverse a fatty liver condition. They can stop taking in a lot of sugars and fatty acids, stop drinking alcohol and get better control over their blood sugar levels.

Losing weight can help to reverse this health condition, too. In fact, that is one of the best ways to reverse a fatty liver condition. If your elderly loved one can lose at least 10% of their current body weight, it could help them to reverse this health condition.


Length of Time for Reversing a Fatty Liver Condition

If your elderly loved one has a fatty liver condition, there is no exact time for reversing the condition. There are many factors involved in doing this. The first factor is how severe their fatty liver condition is. Secondly, it depends on what lifestyle changes they are willing to make and how committed they are to making those changes. If they start making lifestyle changes immediately and commit to multiple lifestyle changes, it might not take as long for them to reverse their fatty liver condition. If they need encouragement and daily support in making these changes, you might want to hire a senior care provider to assist them.



Many people can have a fatty liver condition. If your elderly loved one has this condition, it is important for them to start making lifestyle changes right away to begin reversing the condition. If they need help to create a plan, they can always schedule an appointment with their doctor.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Caregiver in Oakland, CA, contact the friendly staff at Home Care Professionals today.
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