Senior Care News

Four Ways that Elder Care Providers Can Keep Your Senior from Falling

Senior Care in San Mateo CA: B14Elder care providers can help your senior in so many ways, but one of the most important might be in helping her to avoid a fall.
Senior Care in San Mateo CA: Keep Your Senior from Falling
Senior Care in San Mateo CA: Keep Your Senior from Falling

It’s nerve-wracking to worry about whether your senior is going to experience a fall, especially if you can’t be there with her. That’s why having elder care providers around can ease your worries and help to reduce your elderly family member’s risk of falling.


Help Her Gear up Properly for Her Day

You might not realize this, but what your senior wears can make a huge difference for her in terms of safety. Her clothing should fit her well and there shouldn’t be any hems or fabric that get in her way or cause her to trip. Another important aspect of her gear is to have the right footwear. She should have on shoes that fit well and that support her feet properly, even indoors.


Remind Her to Use Assistive Devices

Devices like walkers or canes are frustrating for your senior because they can remind her that she needs help. But if your elderly family member doesn’t use those devices, she can put herself at a much greater risk of falling. Elder care providers can be there to ensure that your senior uses these devices. They can also ensure that she uses them properly so that they don’t trip her up.


Be There for Her as She Gets Up

One of the problems your elderly family member could run into on a daily basis is getting up too quickly from either a seated or prone position. Elder care providers on the scene can help her to remember to take these steps slowly so that she doesn’t risk an episode of dizziness. They can offer her the support that she needs to be safer while she’s changing positions.


Remind Her to Exercise Periodically

If her doctor has recommended exercise, this is an important part of keeping your elderly family member from falling. Exercise helps to strengthen her muscles and improve her balance. She might find those gentle reminders help her to get a little bit of exercise into every day. Exercising too much can also be a problem, though, because your elderly family member can wear herself out. Getting just enough exercise is a balancing act of its own.

No one can keep your senior from every single situation that might result in a fall, of course, but having elder care providers around can definitely help to reduce the risk of a fall. Your elderly family member can feel far more secure knowing that help is right there with her.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in San Mateo, CA, contact the friendly staff at Home Care Professionals today.
Call (866)-940-4855

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