Also known as pharyngitis, a sore throat is one of those conditions that just about everyone suffers from occasionally. The back of the throat becomes inflamed, leading to pain when a person swallows or tries to talk. Most sore throats will go away on their own with some good personal care at home support, but if your loved one’s sore throat lasts longer than 10 days or if she has another serious health condition, she should see her doctor.
Sore Throat Symptoms
Sometimes, a sore throat comes on unexpectedly without any other symptoms, while other times, it comes on with a multitude of other symptoms.
Here are just a few additional symptoms that your loved one might be feeling in addition to a sore throat:
- Swollen lymph nodes, especially those on the side of the neck. They might be tender to touch.
- A slight fever
- Headache
- Hoarseness or a loss of voice
- Nasal congestion, possibly combined with a runny nose, coughing, and sinus pain
- Swollen tonsils
- Fatigue
Common Causes of a Sore Throat
Usually, a sore throat occurs because a person is fighting off a viral infection like a cold or the flu. Sometimes, it can be a symptom of other health issues, like:
- A bacterial infection such as strep throat or a sinus infection could lead to a sore throat. These can often be treated with antibiotics.
- Tonsillitis. Tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils get infected and inflamed.
- Allergies. Too much of something in the air that your loved one is allergic to can cause a sore throat as she breathes in the irritating substance. Pollens, mold, and smoke can all cause the nose to drip down the back of the throat, causing irritation and soreness.
- Overuse. If your loved one was in a loud restaurant and had to project her voice all night or if she was outside in the extreme cold while exerting herself (and breathing heavily through her mouth), her throat might become sore and need to rest for a bit to feel better.
- Mouth breathing. If your loved one has been breathing through her mouth while she sleeps, it can lead to a sore throat. She can be more likely in the winter months when the air is dry and heated, leading to more irritation by mouth breathing throughout the night.
- COVID. A sore throat isn’t always related to COVID-19, but if other symptoms are present as well, it could be the cause.
- Although rare, tumors of the throat can lead to a sore throat.
Some Home Treatment Steps For Sore Throat Relief
If you’ve determined that it’s just a run-of-the-mill sore throat that is causing your loved one pain and discomfort, it’s time to find some relief at home until the symptoms subside. It’s time for a little pampering.
When you’re not around to provide that extra TLC an ill loved one could use, a personal care at home provider is the perfect person to step in and help by providing relief for when your loved one feels under the weather.
When a sore throat strikes, your loved one might appreciate her personal care at home provider helping with chores around the home so she can rest or taking the dog for a walk so she doesn’t have to go out. Her personal care at home provider can also help with making meals that provide comfort like a bowl of soup or a fruit smoothie.
If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Personal Care at Home in Danville, CA, contact the friendly staff at Home Care Professionals today.
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