Senior Care News

Senior Health: Four Reasons COPD Might Increase Your Senior’s Fall Risk

Home Care in San Jose CA: COPD
Home Care in San Jose CA: COPD

COPD is a group of lung issues and it affects everyone who has it slightly differently.

One common fact, however, is that people with COPD do have a much higher risk of falling. Senior care providers can be a great resource for assistance when coping with COPD and good senior health.

Dizziness and Breathing Difficulties

COPD affects your senior’s ability to be able to breathe, of course, which can lead to shortness of breath and other problems. Not having enough oxygen in her blood on a consistent basis can lead to lightheadedness, which is a definite risk factor for falling. Your senior’s doctor may want to keep tabs on her oxygen levels with something as simple as a pulse oximeter that she can use at home.


Malnutrition causes a great many problems for older adults. If your elderly family member is having trouble cooking or keeping up with meal preparation, that can cause significant trouble for her in terms of falling. She may have blood sugar levels that are consistently low and muscles that aren’t getting the nutrients that they need. Having help with meals can be the easiest solution, and in-home care providers are able to make sure your senior is eating healthy meals consistently.

Sleep Deprivation and Fatigue

COPD makes sleep difficult sometimes, often because your senior is uncomfortable and having trouble breathing. That can lead to ongoing fatigue, which makes daily tasks that much more complicated and can lead to fall risks. Home care providers can help with this, too, by taking tasks off your senior’s daily to do list and helping her with them. That can enable her to use the energy that she has more wisely for things that she needs to be the one to handle.

Equipment Clutter

In the later stages of COPD your senior may have more equipment around than she or you expect her to have. Oxygen tanks, nebulizers, and more come with a lot of tubing and power cords. They can easily overwhelm a space that might have been comfortable for your senior in the past. That’s also a prime recipe for tripping hazards, which is not something that your senior needs. In-home care providers can help your elderly family member to stay on top of clearing that clutter so she’s able to stay as safe as possible.

Knowing what the risk factors for good senior health are for your senior with COPD can help you to reduce their impact on your senior’s life. You might not be able to bring her fall risk down to zero, but you can do more than you might think.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in San Jose, CA, contact the friendly staff at Home Care Professionals today. Call (866)-940-4855

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