Senior Care News

3 Ways Professional Home Care Assistance is Better Than an Inexperienced Family Member

Family members may be best for helping seniors emotionally, but for physical assistance, there are several reasons why professional home care is best.
Three reasons experienced home care assistance is better for your aging loved one.
Three reasons experienced home care assistance is better for your aging loved one.

This isn’t meant to insult anyone, but the facts are simple: when you have never done something before, a person with experience is going to be more effective. That doesn’t mean a family member can’t be a caregiver for their spouse, an aging parent, a grandparent, a sister or brother, or somebody else they love, but when you get down to the brass tacks of these things, experience matters.

Home care assistance is vital for somebody of advancing years who may have difficulties with Activities of Daily Living, also commonly known as ADLs, or whose mobility is compromised due to a loss of strength, the effects of surgery, or a chronic health issue.

In most cases family members have the best of intentions. In fact, nobody loves this elderly person more than family will. However, just because you love your mother or father, for example, doesn’t mean you are the best person suited to help him or her through these difficult times. You may be the best for helping them emotionally, but when it comes to physical assistance, there are several reasons why home care is best.


First, experienced care sees potential hazards.

Most of your days probably fly by. You are likely busy from the moment you get up in the morning until you lay your head on the pillow at night. If you are like most Americans, you don’t even notice half of the hazards that zip past you daily.

Did you realize that while you were driving to work, five or ten cars passed you, driven by people who were barely paying attention? It only takes a split second to cause a serious accident.

That is one extreme example, but there are many others, including going up and down the stairs, stepping around a grocery bag that you left on the floor and not thinking twice about it, or water on the kitchen or bathroom floor that could have knocked you off your feet.

An experienced home care aide will naturally look for the various hazards and safety issues that already exist, and they will notice these things far quicker than most younger, healthier adults who have never supported aging seniors in their home before, simply based on their past experience with other clients.


Second, an experienced aide will understand best practices.

Yes, there are best practices for supporting elderly men and women. You may not know anything about them because you have never done this before. As a person in your 40s or 50s, for example, why would you even need to consider best practices for supporting a person in their 70s or 80s?

If you have never done this type of work before, let an experienced home care provider do it instead.


Third, experienced care can separate emotions from the situation.

This is probably one of the most overlooked and important aspects of relying on home care assistance rather than being a family caregiver, at least the primary caregiver. When you love this aging senior, your emotions tend to dictate decisions.

Your emotions can also create even more challenges for both you and the senior. When the role of parent and child is reversed or gets flipped upside down, it can affect everyone involved.

When the parent feels as though his or her adult child is suddenly telling them what they can or can’t do, it can cause tension in the relationship. Don’t allow that to happen with your elderly mother or father. Instead, look for a home care agency in the area that can help. You may be surprised at how well your relationship holds up, even during these extremely challenging times.



If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Care in Walnut Creek, CA, contact the friendly staff at Home Care Professionals today.

Call (866)-940-4855

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