Senior Health: How Can You Tell That A Senior With Dementia Is Having Trouble Sleeping?
Senior Health: Depending on the severity of your senior’s dementia, you may not be able to talk to her about issues, such as sleeping.
Caregiver Tips: Can a Communication Board Help Your Elderly Loved One?
Caregiver Tips: Is it more difficult to communicate with your senior? Maybe they have Alzheimer’s disease and it has gotten harder recently.
Self-Care Habits: Four Self-Care Habits You and Your Senior Can Practice Together
Self-Care Habits: Self-care is easier with an accountability partner, so you and your senior can try these ideas together.
Senior Health: What Contributes to Dehydration in Seniors?
Senior Health: When you have a comprehensive idea of what causes dehydration for your senior, you’re better able to help her to avoid it.
Dementia: Five Ways to Make it Easier for a Senior with Dementia to Cooperate with You
Dementia: People with dementia can find it difficult to handle a variety of daily tasks and activities which can get frustrating for you both.
Caregiver: Three Amazingly Simple Stress Busters for the Busy Family Caregiver
Caregiver: Being a busy family caregiver is a great responsibility. The average family caregiver is in their late 40s, female, and working.
Home Health Care: When is Home Health Care Needed and When Isn’t It?
Home Health Care: On one hand, you have home care, the other, you have home health care. People can mistake them, but they’re not the same.
Cataracts: Are Cataracts Preventable?
Cataracts: Elder Care in Oakland CA: June is Cataract Awareness Month, so it’s important to understand how to help your senior to prevent cataracts.
Fall Prevention: Helping Your Parent Prevent a Fall Outside
Fall Prevention: Bright sunshine and warmer temps beckon us all to come outside. Fall prevention should be of utmost priority as a caregiver.
Reading: Get Caught Reading Month Opens up New Activities for Your Senior
Reading: Is it time for your senior to get caught reading a little more often? Every May is Get Caught Reading Month